Respondus LockDown Browser Chrome Extension for Chromebooks
A Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser is available for quizzes delivered in Brightspace. This extension is available for both student-owned Chromebooks and and District-managed Chromebooks.
Before students can start using the Respondus LockDown Browser Chrome extension, pop-ups will need to be enabled in Chrome for the CDLI Brightspace server. Otherwise, students will remain stuck on the "Start Quiz" page. To change this in Chrome, select "Settings" -> "Privacy and Security" and then "Site Settings".

Scroll down on the Site Settings page and click on Pop-ups and redirects.

Near the bottom on the page in the Customized behaviors section, click the Add button next to “Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects”.

In the “Add a site” pop-up, type in and click Add.

At this point, you can now close the Settings tab in Chrome.
You will not be able to search for the extension directly from within the Chrome web store. To install the LockDown Browser extension, students will need to use the regular LockDown Browser installation link found on the bottom of the quiz page in Brightspace.

The LockDown Browser installation link will direct students to the required extension page on Chrome web store, at which point they should select Add to Chrome.

Click Add extension on the Add “LockDown Browser” pop-up.

You will receive notification that the extension was successfully added to Chrome.

You can now close the LockDown Browser for Chromebook extension tab as well as the Chrome web store tab.
This will return you to the Brightspace quiz page where you can click on the Launch LockDown Browser button.
The quiz will now launch in the LockDown Browser Chrome extension. Click Start Quiz! when you are ready to being the quiz.

Once you have completed the quiz, click Submit Quiz.

On the Quiz Submission Confirmation page, click Submit Quiz. You can also click Back to Questions if you wish to return to the quiz to review or change any answers (this would be your last chance to do so).

Click Done.

Then, click Exit LockDown Browser.

Click Yes to confirm exiting LDB.

Click Continue to exit LDB and return to Brightspace.

It should be noted that you cannot use the CTRL or ALT keys while in the LDB Chromebook extension. Pressing the keys will result in the following pop-up.

Known limitations
The Calculator and Spreadsheet features are not currently supported in the Chromebook extension. If those options are required for your quiz, you will need to use a regular Windows or Mac computer to complete the quiz.
The extended keyboard functions (for adding symbols and special characters) are not currently supported.
LockDown Browser’s “Help Center” is not currently available.
"Allow access to specific external web domains" option is currently not supported.