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Calendar Subscriptions

Subscribe to a calendar

Use iCal feeds to access your Calendar events outside of the Learning Environment. With iCal feeds, you can view your course events in external calendars, such as Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar, and on mobile devices, such as iPhones, Android smartphones and BlackBerry smartphones.

Subscribing to an iCal feed syncs your external calendar application or device with the Calendar tool, keeping you updated without logging in to the Brightspace Learning Environment. Refer to your device or application instructions for adding an iCal feed as each application can have a different method for managing iCal feeds.

  1. On the Brightspace homepage, click on Calendar in the Calendar widget.
  1. Then click Settings.
  1. Check off Enable Calendar Feeds and click Save.
  1. In the Calendar view area, click Subscribe.
  1. From the drop-down list, you can select All Calendars and Tasks, All Tasks or just a specific course. If you wish to subscribe to multiple courses (but not all courses), you will need to subscribe to each course one at a time, which will result in multiple iCal feed URLs.