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Google Integration and Submitting Assignments

The Google Apps widget provides links to your NLSchools Google Mail, Google Calendar and Google Drive (My Drive only - not Shared Drive). Students can also submit Google Drive documents to a Brightspace Assignment submission folder.

Note: some steps and screenshots below may look slightly different if you are already logged into your NLSchools Google account with your browser.

Enable Google Apps integration

Before the Google Apps integration, you must authorize Brightspace to access your NLSchools Google account. This links your two accounts so you can submit work directly from Google Drive.

Log into your CDLI account, click Go to Brightspace, access one of your courses, and you will see the following widget

Step 1

Click Link to your Google Apps account. Here, your CDLI username is displayed by default. If your NLSchools e-mail username is different than what is displayed, make the necessary change in the Google Apps Username textbox. Click Create Link when done.

Step 2

The NLschools G Suite widget will be updated to display the following. Click Authorize.

Step 3

In the pop-up window, you must sign into your NLSchools Google account. Enter your NLSchools e-mail username and click Next.

Step 4

Enter your password and click Next.

Step 5

Click Allow on the access request screen.

Step 6

Your accounts are now linked, and you will see the following widget.

Google Widget