Using the Polling Feature in Zoom
To use the Polling feature, click on the Polls button on the bottom of your screen.

A new window similar to the one below will appear, select Create.

The Poll creation window will open in a web-browser. Fill in the name of your poll and your question.

You can change from Single Choice to Multiple Choice and fill in the options. Add additional questions, if necessary, and when done click Save.

A new Screen will appear showing your poll.

Close the window (tab) showing the “Edit Meeting Polls” and go back to Zoom. The same poll will be in the poll section of Zoom (on the screen).
Click on Launch in the Polls window as shown below.

A screen will appear showing your poll live in action. The top of the window will display live results as the students complete the poll. In our case we only had one student. When the Polling is completed the teacher needs to end the poll by clicking on the End Poll button. On the next window that pops up select Share Results.

When you have discussed the results with the students you can you can then stop sharing by clicking the “Stop Sharing” button. When you are finished with Polling click the x to exit the window.

The sample poll and poll results will be displayed on the student’s screens similar to the images below.

You can save and edit your polls for later. In your web interface for your Zoom meeting your polls are saved under the Meeting link. Scroll to the very bottom and you will see all your polls.

The polls will be displayed as shown below. In this area you can:
- create a new poll
- you can Delete a Poll by clicking on the … at the end of the Poll and select Delete. However the Poll can only be deleted if it is “Deactivated”
- you can also edit any of the poles in this window by clicking on the edit button (Pencil).

When you have a number of polls created and you are in Zoom you must select your poll from the dropdown list at the top of the Poll Window.