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Creating a Zoom session in a Brightspace course

To create a Zoom session in Brightspace that you can re-use for the full school year, simply go the course you wish to create the session for and click on the Zoom link in the nav bar.

Here, you will see a list of active Meetings, if there are any. You can also see a list of Past Meetings, any Cloud Recordings as well as details of your personal Zoom room.

To create a new Meeting, start by clicking the Schedule a New Meeting button.

On the Schedule a Meeting page, you will need to enter details for the Topic and, if you wish, a Description.

You can leave the When, Duration and Time Zone as-is as these fields will not get used. Please check off Recurring meeting and set the Recurrence to No Fixed Time. And, leave the Registration option unchecked.

Zoom offers many customizations in terms of the recurrences. This means you can decide when you would like the meeting to recur. You can choose between Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or No Fixed Time. However, these recurring meetings have a limit on the number of occurrences. The maximum number of recurring meetings is 50. That means Daily recurring meetings will expire after 50 days. Similarly, weekly recurring meetings will expire after 50 weeks.

If you would like to remove that limit on occurrences, you can use the ‘No Fixed Time’ option. This not only lifts the occurrence restriction but also removes any time constraints on the meeting. With ‘No Fixed Time’, you do not need to specify anything. This effectively means that the meeting will continue indefinitely.

In the Security section, uncheck Waiting Room and “Only authenticated used can join meetings” must be checked off. Select CDLI from the pull-down list.

You can leave the Video options as the default (OFF) as these can be changed after the fact in the session. If you set these options as On, video will be automatically enabled for the Host and/or Participant once the user connects.

Similarly, you can leave the Audio defaulting to Telephone and Computer Audio.

And, in the Meeting Options, you will want to keep “Enable join before host”, “Use Personal Meeting ID” and “Record the meeting automatically in the cloud” set as OFF. If the recording option is enabled, all instances of this session will be automatically recorded.

It is highly recommended to keep “Mute participants upon entry” enabled.

The last section would be used if you would like others to act as hosts in your session. This is the field that will be used by CDLI administrative and technical staff in case a substitute teacher requires access.

Once you’re done, click the Save button.