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What courses does CDLI offer?
The table below lists courses that are currently offered by CDLI. Does it include a course that you are unable to obtain locally?
Visual Art 1202
Visual Art 3202
Career Education
Career Education 2202
English Language Arts
Drama 2206
English 1201
English 2201
English 2202
English 3201
English 3202
Writing 2203
French 1200
French 2200
French 3200
Mathematics 1201
Mathematics 1202
Mathematics 2200
Mathematics 2201
Mathematics 3200
Mathematics 3201
Mathematics 3202
Calculus 3208
Music 2206 (guitar, fiddle or piano)
Experiencing Music 2200
Biology 2201
Biology 3201
Biologie 2231
Biologie 3231
Chemistry 2202
Chemistry 3202
Chimie 3232
Earth Systems 3209
Environmental Science 3205
Physics 2204
Physics 3204
Science 1206
Sciences 1236
Science 2200
Science 3200
Social Studies
NL Studies 2205
Social Studies 2201
Social Studies 2202
Social Studies 3201
Social Studies 3202
Technology Education & Skilled Trades
Communications Technology 2104/3104
Computer Science 1204
Design and Fabrication 2202
Occupational Health and Safety 3203