How do I change my CDLI password?
To change your CDLI password, please log into your CDLI account and click the pencil icon next to your name to edit your account profile.
Then, click the Change Password in Your Profile page.
To verify you’re the account holder, please enter your current password in step #1. Then, enter your new password twice in step #2. You need to enter the password twice to ensure that you do not have any typos.
Your new password will need to meet certain complexity requirements.
- Does not include your username, first, or last names
- At least 10 characters long
- At least one lowercase letter (a-z)
- At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- At least one number (0-9)
- At least one of the special characters below:
! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + = ? . , : ; -
Once the new password meets all of the guidelines (you will see green checkmarks next to the each of the requirements that are met) and you have it entered twice, click Save New Password.
If your new password does not meet all of the complexity guidelines, there will be a red X next to the one(s) that are not met. You will need to modify your desired new password to meet all of the requirements. Don’t forget that it will need to be entered twice.
You will receive a notice that your password was successfully changed.