Free Online Tutoring: Schedule
We are excited to announce that CDLI's Online Tutoring Program is now live for the 2024-2025 school year. The hiring of tutors is ongoing and we will expand our offerings and availability as positions are filled. Please refer to our tutor schedule for details. Reach out to CDLI Guidance Counsellor, Janice Rowsell, should you require further assistance or information.

View the schedule for tutoring times
Tip: Click a subject name to enter the appropiate room.
The schedule outlines the hours our tutors will be available for the subject listed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Guidance Counsellor, Janice Rowsell ( She can help you navigate any issues you may be experiencing.
For technical issues related to Zoom, please contact the CDLI Help Desk.
Select the subject in the purple column to enter the appropriate room.
Tutor | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
7-9 Science | ||||||||
Chemistry | ||||||||
Earth Systems | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
French / FFL | ||||||||
Grade 7-12 Math | ||||||||
Physics | ||||||||
Science / Bio | ||||||||
Social Studies |
Tutor | ||
7-9 Science |
Chemistry |
Earth Systems |
English |
French/FFL |
Grade 7-12 Math |
Physics |
Science/Biology |
Social Studies |