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We are excited to announce that CDLI's Online Tutoring Program is now live for the 2024-2025 school year. The hiring of tutors is ongoing and we will expand our offerings and availability as positions are filled. Please refer to our tutor schedule for details. Reach out to CDLI Guidance Counsellor, Janice Rowsell, should you require further assistance or information.

Interested in connecting your child with a tutor?

Free tutoring is available in all Newfoundland and Labrador schools- either online, or in your child's school. CDLI Online Tutors are Post-Secondary students who are available during evenings and some weekends. For more information please check the Tutoring Daily Schedule.

School-based tutors in the Tutoring for Tuition program (TFT) are high school students who work throughout the school year.

Tutors in the Tutoring Work Experience Program (TWEP) are post-secondary students who work full time over a six week period during the months of May and June. This program is funded by the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills.

For information on school-based tutoring, contact your school's guidance counsellor or principal.

For CDLI online tutoring information, click here.

Is your child interested in becoming an in-school tutor?

Tutors in the Tutoring for Tuition program (TFT) work throughout the school year to amaximum of 120 hours and are paid with a post-secondary tuition voucher.

Tutors in the Tutoring Work Experience Program (TWEP) are post secondary students who work full time over a six week period during the months of May and June. These tutors work to a maximum of 210 hours and are paid by a tuition voucher and stipend.

For information on becoming a tutor please contact your school guidance counsellor or principal.