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FAQ: What courses are offered?

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Courses offered by CDLI are based on the provincial curriculum. This means that the course descriptions found in the program of studies also apply to CDLI. As far as course content is concerned there is no difference between a course offered through CDLI and one that is offered face to face. This means, for example, that a student could complete one part of a series of courses, say Physics 2204, face to face one year and then go on to do the other part, Physics 3204 through CDLI the following year, or vice versa.

Click here to explore the Program of Studies.

A full list of courses currently offered by CDLI is shown in the table. This may change slightly from year to year. There may be additions, for example, due to popular demand.

Art & Design 3200
Art Technologies 1201

Career Education
Career Development 2201

English Language Arts
Applied English 3202
English 1201
English 2201
English 3201
Writing 2203

French 1200
French 2200
French 3200
French 3201

Academic Mathematics 1201
Academic Mathematics 2201
Academic Mathematics 3201
Advanced Mathematics 2200
Advanced Mathematics 3200
Applied Mathematics 3202
Calculus 3208
Mathematiques 2232

Advanced Mathematics
Mathematics 2200
Mathematics 3200
Mathematics 3208

Experiencing Music 2200
Applied Music 2206 (guitar, fiddle or piano)

Biology 2201
Biology 3201
Biologie 3231
Chemistry 2202
Chemistry 3202
Chimie 2232
Chimie 3232
Earth Systems 3209
Physics 2204
Physics 3204
Science 1206
Sciences 1236
Science 3200

Social Studies
Canadian History 1201
NL Studies 2205
World Geography 3200
World Geography 3202
World History 3201

Technology Education & Skilled Trades
Communications Technology 2104
Communications Technology 3104
Design and Fabrication 2202
Integrated Systems 1205
Occupational Health and Safety 3203