Student Spotlight
Emma Mouland – Historic Sites 2023 Ambassador
Posted on May 26, 2023
CDLI is proud to shine our student spotlight on Level II student Emma Mouland of Gill Memorial Academy. Emma is currently enrolled in Chemistry 2202 with CDLI.
Emma has received the tremendous honor of being one of sixteen Student Ambassadors selected by the Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador to represent our province during the July 1st Memorial Ceremony at Beaumont Hamel, France. To receive this honor, Emma submitted a dance video that she choreographed, performed, and created. It represented how the first world war has influenced her life uniquely. Emma and her fellow student ambassadors will embark on the trip of a lifetime – first attending the memorial ceremony and participating in a battlefield tour of Northern France and Belgium and then spending a day in Paris where they will engage in exploring some of the city’s most notable historical and cultural landmarks.
Emma’s industriousness and generosity are evident in all that she does. Emma, the student council president at Gill Memorial Academy, likes to share her many talents and skills with younger people in her school and community through volunteering. She is a member of her school’s senior girls’ volleyball team and volunteers to referee junior volleyball tournaments at her school. She is a figure skater and performs as a Can Skate coach with young skaters in her town. She tutors to build and support the learning of younger students. Emma even opened her own dance studio this year to share her love of dancing with young people in her community! She volunteers time there each week to “bring joy” to some of the younger kids and provide them with a creative outlet. Emma’s generosity of spirit is remarkable. She even fundraised over $5000 to support the Ronald McDonald House, a charity which provides homes and community for families of sick children. It is certainly unsurprising that Emma was the recipient of the Volunteer Award at her school!
No stranger to being recognized for her accomplishments, Emma was named Talented Teen at the Miss Achievement NL 2022 competition and received an accompanying $500 scholarship. She was also recognized as the Gill Memorial Academy Alex D Memorial Scholarship Awardee. Her athletic achievements have also received recognition. Emma was awarded the gold medal for placing first at her most recent figure skating competition. At her most recent dance competition, she won third place overall. Emma’s volleyball team enjoyed great success this school year, receiving four gold medals to reward their victories.
Although she is kept quite busy with her many pursuits, Emma does find time to enjoy her favorite hobbies. She loves reading, playing her guitar, and spending time outside whenever possible.
Emma has career aspirations of becoming a pediatric surgeon. Upon graduating high school, she plans to complete a Bachelor of Nursing before pursuing medical school studies to become a Doctor of Medicine.
We are exceptionally proud of your accomplishments, Emma! Bravo!