Student Spotlight
Emily Pearce – Historic Sites 2023 Ambassador
Posted on May 19, 2023
CDLI is proud to shine our student spotlight on Grade 11 student Emily Pearce of Gill Memorial Academy. Emily is currently enrolled in Math 2200, Chemistry 2202, and Newfoundland Studies 2205 with CDLI.
Emily is an active member of her school and local community, where she enjoys volunteering her help with events like parades, carnivals, concerts, graduations, and other celebrations. Emily was a member of her school volleyball team during junior high and now assists with volleyball tournaments at her school. Emily enjoys reading, cooking, baking, and playing her favorite video games in her free time.
An honor roll student since Grade 7, Emily is a high achiever who maintains one of the highest averages at her school’s grade level. Emily is interested in history, psychology, and criminology. She has ambitions to complete a psychology degree and to work in a helping role with children; supporting them towards their wellness and overall well-being.
Most recently, Emily applied for The 2023 Ambassador Program. This program is offered through the Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador and is fully funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, and Recreation (Government of NL). Sixteen students from Newfoundland and Labrador (Grades 7 – Level III) are selected to participate in the trip of a lifetime to Beaumont Hamel, France. Selected students get to attend the July 1 st Memorial Ceremony at Beaumont Hamel. They are offered a World War I battlefield tour of Northern France and Belgium, where the Royal Newfoundland Regiment fought. Finally, the student ambassadors spend a day in Paris, where they get to experience some of the city’s historical and cultural landmarks.
To receive this honor, Emily submitted artwork that she created with charcoal and an accompanying essay explaining her art and highlighting how the effects of the first world war still impact her life. Emily was one of sixteen successful students selected to represent Newfoundland and Labrador in France as a 2023 Student Ambassador.
We are tremendously proud of your accomplishment, Emily. Way to go!