Stoney Creek, Ontario
This memorial was constructed in 1908 at Smith's Knoll to mark the last resting place of soldiers killed in the Battle
of 1813. Every year, beginning on June 6th, 1909, there has been a memorial service on the nearest Sunday dedicated to
the fallen heroes of the Battle of 1813.
During the annual parade on June 6th, 1926, a gift was received by the National Society of
United States Daughters of
1812. They presented a bronze tablet in honour of the unknown Americans who had died there.
Another plaque was placed on the monument in 1947 with the inscription:
"To the memory of 23 good and true King's men,
who fighting in defence of their country,
died and were buried on this knoll,
The Battlefield of Stoney Creek, June 6th, 1813."