The Korea Veterans National Wall of Remembrance

Brampton, Ontario

The idea of a Wall of Remembrance came about when two members of Unit 57 of K.V.A. were gathering information about a Comrade who had been killed in Korea. As well as a request from a member of the family to obtain a picture of the comrades' grave in Pusan. The family was more than delighted to obtain a picture and it was then that the President, Mr Bill Allan, came up with the concept of a Wall of Remembrance. He then solicited the support of the Secretary of the Unit and Past President George Mannion and all the members of Unit 57, and between them, they developed the plan, initiating meetings between the Corporation of Meadowvale Cemeteries and several Government agencies to build the Wall of Remembrance.

The following is a list of detailed information in respect to the wall:

  • The "Wall of Remembrance" was constructed of gray Barre granite, which matched the existing Veterans' Memorial.
  • Approximately 200 feet in length, the Wall curves gently to follow the roadway which circles around the Veterans' Memorial.
  • A low-profile retaining wall approximately two feet high, the Wall follows the natural topography which slopes gently towards the roadway. The Wall leans backwards at an angle of approximately 50 degrees.
Constructed in memory of the 516 Canadians who paid the supreme sacrifice in the Korean War 1950 - 1953 - 1956.
  • The central feature of the Wall consists of three panels: a rectangular block flanked by two wings which slope down from the centre. They are four feet wide and approximately five feet high at the highest point.
  • The rectangular block in the centre features the Korean Veterans, Association insignia, the Canadian forces insignia, the United Nations insignia, and the names of the participating Canadian forces. On the one wing is a poem by Jack LaChance, on the other, a verse from Laurence Binyon's famous poem "For the Fallen", information relating to the dedication of the memorial, and the names of the organizing committee responsible for getting this project off the ground.
  • The memorial, itself, consists of seven sections on each side of the central feature. Each section contains four rows of 6" x 10" bronze plaques, which are replicas of those gracing the graves of the comrades in Pusan.
  • Meadowvale Cemetery has surveyed graves in front of the Wall, and these are available for purchase by Korean Veterans.

All funds were raised by the committee from the private sector. No government participation. $300,000.00 was raised, the Wall paid for, and will be kept up by Meadowvale Cemetery as a part of commemorative services until perpetuity.

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