Trail, British Columbia
The Trail Cenotaph was constructed in 1951 in memory of those residents of Trail who died in WWI, WWII, and Korea.
The inscription on the Cenotaph reads:
fought for peace
with honour
1914-1918 1939-1945"
Great War
1914 Roll of Honour 1918
William Barnes
Alfred Bennett
Frank Bull
Valentino Compand
Kenneth B. Carruthers
Harold W. Carter
Arthur J. Chapman
Alfredd Ciaccio
Ceneroso Colad
Ciuseppi De Fero
William Dunbar
William Eggleshaw
Alfred J.L. Evans
D.B. Gillespie
Alexander M. Gunn
William H.O. Hill
William Hurley
Richard W. James
William H. Jones
Hewson Kirby
William A. Luff
Robert G. Macfarlane
St. Clair H. Marlatt
Pio Mason
Delfo Milach
Archie Morgan
Clarence H. McDougall
Dan McLeod
Jack McLeod
J. McPhail
William E. Oliver
L. Radakovich
Daniel J. Shields
Luigi Volpatt
Roy Weir