Burnaby, British Columbia
Constructed in 1948, in memory of the war dead of Burnaby South High School
during World War II.
Jack Parker, Bill Borrett, Ronald Bradshaw, Stanley Brookman, Art Buchingham,
Jim Bryant, Don Campbell, Gil Clay, Cliff Cullen, Pat Custance, Frank Dolter,
Virgil Fernquist, Jack Fisher, Jack Fitzgerald, Phillip Freeman, Bud Greenwood,
Ernie Balding, Jack Hardy, Jimmy Irving, Bill Linermere, Harold Manson, Chuck
Middleton, Otway McCombie, Charlie McLntosh, Bill McKercher, Percy McLachlan,
Frank McWilliams, Wes Nesbitt, Bob Northey, Pete Norris, Ron O'Connor, Bill
Owen, Lloyd Peardon, Jack Power, Bob Quinn, Bob Ridgeway, Bill Sherry, Ken
Smith, Harry Spakman, Wilfred Stocken, Chuck Thomas, Ernie Thomas, Ted Thomas,
Gordon Walkinshaw, Harold Wesley, Keith Whittaker, Dave Wilson, Marriot Wilson.