Abbotsford Cenotaph
Abbotsford, British Columbia
Constructed and dedicated on April 7, 1929, in memory of World War I, World War II and Korean War veterans. The plaque for World War II veterans was added in the 1950s and the plaque for Korean War veterans was unveiled June 7th, 1992.
On April 10, 1929, Abbotsford's "Sumas and Matsqui News" reported:
Cenotaph Unveiling Impressive Ceremony
Bishop de Pencier conducted the unveiling ceremony at the Canadian Legion Cenotaph last Sunday afternoon, the service being attended by about 300 persons.
The parade, headed by members of Chilliwack bank, and composed of 40 war veterans, and the
Abbotsford Girl Guides' troop, formed at the flag-mast on Essendene Avenue, and marched to the Jubilee Park, where the order of service was as follows:
- "O Canada"
- "O God Our Help In Ages Past"
- Prayer
- Scripture Reading by Rev. E. Baker
- "Fight the Good Fight"
- Prayer
- Unveiling and Dedication Ceremony by the Bishop
- Reading of the Roll of Honour:--
- "The Last Post"
- Kipling's "Recessional"
- Prayer
- "God Save the King"
Many beautiful wreaths and floral sprays were placed at the monument footstone by
relatives and friends of the departed heroes.
... The monument is composed of grey British Columbia granite and stands nine feet in height, with well-proportioned base stones. It is inscribed with the words "Our Glorious Dead" and is to be permanently illuminated by an electric lamp placed at the peak.
Contractors for the memorial were Art Monument Co., Ltd., of Vancouver and New Westminster, of which firm J.W. Whitworth, who saw service in the 54th Battalion, is president. Cost of the stone, with electrical fixtures, is about $600.
Died Overseas 1914 - 1918
A. Ames
H. Benson
F. Brown
J. Chason
E. Collinson
M. Conway
W. Everitt
W. Ferguson
J. Gillan
H. Green
H. Hughes
J. Hunt
W. Hunt
T. Hutton
J. Ings
F. Johncor
R. Knox |
E. Lloyd
S. McGillivray
D. McLaggan
T. McPhee
S. Montgomery
F. Mander
J. Mathers
A. Miller |
F. Miller
W. Owen
J. Parton
A. Ross
J. Vacher
W. Wallace
K. Weir
J. Welch
C. Wooler |
RAF Died in Training at Abbotsford Airport
A. Allan
R. Avery
T. Batley |
I. Bennett
P. Cotter
H. Curtis |
P. Gunton
R. Johnson
G. Morris |
A. Suggate
J. Thomas
J. Sinclair |
Died in World War II -- 1939 - 1945
G. Andrews
W. Atkinson
J. Bennett
T. Bennett
S. Bergen
J. Blacklock
H. Blinch
P. Breier |
J. Calderwood
A. Carswell
L. Coulter
J. Dayton
J. Fountain
R. Fountain
S. Fussey
F. Gerty |
J. Lamont
M. Machell
J. McDonald
C. Nixon
F. Papp
G. Pernoski
J.B. Ross
T. Short |
F. Smith
H. Smith
J. Smith
R. Starr
F. Tessaro
W. White
J. Worthington |
Originally, the Cenotaph had an electric light on its top, but it was vandalized so often, that it was replaced by a cross.